Orange Vanilla Cookie Bars

Orange Vanilla Cookie Bars

Orange Creamsicle Ice Cream Bars are one of my favorite summertime treats. We’re saying goodbye to summer soon, but these delicious Orange Vanilla Cookie Bars have that refreshing, nostalgic flavor that you can enjoy year around.

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Orange Vanilla Cookie Bars
Tender orange flavored cookie bars topped with creamy vanilla bean frosting
2-inch cookie bars
Vanilla Frosting
2-inch cookie bars
Vanilla Frosting
Vanilla Frosting
  1. In a medium-size bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese together just until smooth and combined. Add the powdered sugar, vanilla bean paste, salt and 1 teaspoon of milk. Beat until smooth. Mix in additional milk a little at a time, if needed, to reach the desired consistency. Stir slowly with a spatula to remove any bubbles.